April 26, 2008

I Believe You're An Asshat

Memo to Rep. Edward Bullard from Florida: Fuck you. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. Seriously, fuck you.

Why the animosity towards Eddie? He's the jackass that's trying to get this license plate approved so Christians all over the fine state of Florida can let everyone know about their faith:I suppose that Eddie's attempt at getting this plate approved shouldn't garner a "fuck you", but the last two sentences of this article does. "Bullard, the plate's sponsor, isn't sure all groups should be able to express their preference. If atheists came up with an "I Don't Believe" plate, for example, he would probably oppose it."

Oppose this, you hypocritical douche bag.

I'm practically gushing love today, huh?

Take Care,


  1. I think we should lobby for a tag that says "Fuck You" and has the image of a middle finger. They might find that less offensive.

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Here's a link to my new and improved version of Rep. Bullard's plate.

  3. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Here's OG's plate. It's amazing how much one can do on a Sunday morning when one is not wasting time in church. :)

  4. Muhahahaha!

    Now that's definitely something your son might wonder about if he walked by and saw you working on those. ;)

  5. Anonymous8:03 AM

    It is a neat trick, though. Convince people to pay an extra $25.00 to label themselves as idiots and/or ignorant redneck christianists.

  6. you should check out www.venganza.org for a couple more samples of plates.... if thats not funny enough for you, check out the hate mail section...

  7. Eddie's obviously a friggin' asshole.

    BTW, I've been gone, so maybe you've already done a post on this, but have you seen the woman who thinks her ultrasound looks like Jesus on a cross???

  8. Damn, I couldn't find an image of that plate at that res earlier this week. I'm jealous.

  9. Anonymous11:14 PM

    This is one reason I no longer live in Florida (where the sunshine bakes your brain).

    Glad to find this on authorsblogs.com

  10. Dear Gushing Babs,

    I think you might enjoy this post:


    Yeah, don't feel so much like HTMLing...sorry.


  11. I thought you'd like this idea. He doesn't want to stamp 'I believe' on homemade cookies and puppies and big screen TV's. We're talking automobiles here. People HATE other motorists! Now when you're getting cut off by some ass hole you'll read that he's a Christian Ass Hole! This is anti-advertising!

  12. Anonymous8:02 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Where have you been lately? Is Jesus keeping you busy?

  14. Can Babs come out and play?

  15. Come back Babs! i love it when you call people "AssHats!"
